Friendship Vs Dating: What’s Better?

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First we should know the difference between friendship and dating:-

Dating - can be described as romantic feelings for each other and have the likelihood of being in a relationship if things go all right.

Friendship - can be described as there is no romantic feelings or seduction to each other and therefore there is no point of being in a relationship.

The main distinction between friendship and dating is that friendship is (infinity) the situation of being friends whereas dating is a form of romantic courtship commonly between two individuals with the aim of evaluating the other's choices as a partner in an cherished relationship or as a partner the outcome of dating may way to  to friendship any time, any stage of confidential relationship, wedding, or no relation.

In my point of view  say: erotic feelings and sexual fancy.

In many friendships, the friends are attracted to each other, because they have many basic things in mutual.

They do things together, or Republican. They both play,have fun.or enjoy etc.... They both like cooking the same food.

They go to movies together because they like movies may be king of same genre... They feel, that in some way, they are emotionally connected or same.

But they may not be usually, or sexually attracted to each other.

Think of your friends. Do you have a feeling of sexual desires for  friends? Would you resemble  to make love to those?

usually, you’ll say: “No, I  them very much. I even have love for them but not that kind of love which is alike of a partner. But not in that point.

So, what I mean?

To complicate situation, some people have friends with profits. They do have sex with their male friend, or female friend.

But they both forcefully deny,that this is a partnership.

Another point is, that almost friends do not live together.

The reason beyond dating is a romantic one. Two people love to expend some time with each other because of love between them. The reason beyond friendship is friends getting other half together as to have fun in various events or activities together, support and joy each other’s company.


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